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NRA-CBC to Launch "God is Awesome" Campaign

Washington, D.C. ‚ The National Rifle Association Christian Bible Choir is gearing up for a new campaign to bring the Lord to the masses. "Many people have this image of the Lord as an intimidating, fearsome, old man," Reverend David Ryan said. "That's not true. God is loving and God wants the best for everybody." The "God is Awesome" campaign seeks to highlight God's many positive qualities so that young children and heathen can clearly understand the power of God.

"I learned that God is an awesome dude," commented ten-year-old Timmy Wilson. Wilson participated in a pilot program in the Washington, D.C. area to gather statistics and other information about the "God is Awesome" campaign.

"We initially picked the name 'God is Great' for the promotion," said program director Alice Edwards. "When we began to gather information about the promotion's effectiveness, however, we found that our target audience responded much better to words like 'Awesome.' The word 'radical' also scored big, but we didn't want to give the campaign the wrong image. We feel there is significant Biblical support for the phrase 'God is Awesome.' It seems to be the best choice, and we're quite pleased."

After much success in the Washington D.C. area, the program is being readied for it's national debut. Sometime in the fourth quarter, the National Rifle Association Christian Bible Choir expects the program to be ready for prime time. "We're readying print and radio spots, and we've even purchased an advertising slot on the Superbowl."

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